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Governing platforms project: regulating information intermediaries

Digitalisation and the shift towards web-based media platforms have dramatically altered the media landscape in the EU and around the world. The digitalisation of the public sphere has also created immense challenges for public discourse and media pluralism, and the growing reliance on algorithmic gatekeepers has dramatically altered how discourse in the public sphere is constituted, structured and governed.

By engaging with diverse stakeholders in a participatory design process, the Governing Platforms Project will develop innovative, evidence-based proposals for platform governance that address systemic problems while protecting fundamental rights and strengthening public discourse.
This project is coordinated by AlgorithmWatch in cooperation with the European Policy Centre and the Mainzer Medieninstitut. It is supported by Civitates, a philanthropic initiative for democracy and solidarity in Europe.




Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Studies
Institutional reform, poly-crisis, differentiated integration, enlargement, reform of economic governance

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