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The EU’s response to COVID-19: are we on the right track or should much more be done?

Thursday, 18 June 2020


Martin Wolf
Chief economics commentator, Financial Times


Fabian Zuleeg
Chief Executive, European Policy Centre

The current COVID-19 pandemic is significantly affecting the world economy
; the global economic downturn will be the most severe since the Great Depression. In Europe, as elsewhere, governments and central banks have already put in place extraordinary policy measures to mitigate the economic and social consequences of the pandemic. Is the nature of this economic crisis not comparable with any crisis of the past, as EPC Chief Executive Fabian Zuleeg wrote in a recent publication? Are the policy responses put in place sufficient? Which additional actions should be taken in order to also chart a path towards economic recovery? What action, in particular, should the EU take from a global, economic and financial perspective? Is the Commission’s recovery plan proposal sufficient and will it find a political consensus?

Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times, will share his analysis on the impact of COVID-19 and possible solutions aimed at guaranteeing a quick recovery. The discussion will be moderated by Fabian Zuleeg, EPC Chief Executive.

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