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The circular economy: Going digital

Green & Digital Transition / BOOK
Annika Hedberg

Date: 17/03/2020
The EU is currently engaged in two transformations that could change our economy and society for the better. If managed well, and in unison, the circular economy and the digital revolution could help the EU address its greatest challenge: to build a sustainable, green economy that is competitive on the global stage.

Digitalisation will not automatically lead to greater sustainability. Nor is the inclusion of cutting-edge technologies in the circular economy a given.

But with the right encouragement and incentives from the EU, data and digitally-enabled solutions can accelerate and boost the transition to a sustainable circular economy. They can enhance connectivity and information sharing; make business models, products and processes more circular; and empower citizens and consumers to contribute to the transition. They can be used to improve different segments of the circular economy, including design, production, consumption, reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and overall waste management and recycling.

Combining the circular and digital agendas carries enormous potential. It would be a shame to waste it.

About the project:

The EPC Task Force on the Digital Roadmap for Circular Economy explored the linkages between digitalisation and the circular economy, the opportunities created by data and digitally-enabled solutions, and the challenges associated with harnessing their full potential for the transition to a circular economy. It has been a pioneering endeavour in exploring the interconnections between these two global transformations and considering the implications for EU policymaking.

The Task Force has been supported by Aalto University and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) (members of Helsinki EU Office), Central Denmark Region, EIT Climate-KIC, the Estonian Ministry of the Environment, Estonian Environment Investment Centre, HP, Orgalim – Europe’s Technology Industries, the Province of Limburg, UL, Fondazione Cariplo and Cariplo Factory.

Download the book here

Download the endorsed executive summary here
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