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EU Regions and Cohesion Policy

The European Union is highly diverse and its regions have different characteristics, economies and levels of development. The impacts of globalisation, deindustrialisation, technological change and other structural changes have been heterogeneously distributed among European regions. Territorial disparities have the potential of leading to social and political tensions.

Reducing social, economic and territorial disparities is an objective of the EU enshrined in the Treaties. Cohesion Policy has been a major investment tool for decades, channelling EU funding to less developed regions. The Policy has been subject to reforms, and today some are calling for its restructuring (also financially).

The EPC has worked on topics related to regional policy and territorial disparities, as well as the relationship with structural reforms, the growth strategy and, recently, industrial transformations.


Industrial policy / POLICY BRIEF
How do industrial transitions succeed? Transatlantic considerations on drivers for economic development
By Robin Huguenot-Noël , Fabian Zuleeg , Alison Hunter , Marta Pilati - 19/12/2018
Cohesion policy / DISCUSSION PAPER
Strengthening cohesion in the EU: How can structural reforms contribute?
By Robin Huguenot-Noël , Fabian Zuleeg , Alison Hunter - 15/10/2018
Can the EU structural funds reconcile growth, solidarity and stability objectives?
By Robin Huguenot-Noël , Fabian Zuleeg , Alison Hunter - 10/10/2017


Policy Analyst
Economic governance, industrial policy, regional development, research & innovation, EU budget, Italy

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