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Foundation partners

Strategic Partnership - King Baudoin Foundation 

The King Baudouin Foundation (KBF), a Belgian public benefit foundation, has been the EPC’s strategic partner since 2002. The partnership aims to build on the distinctive strengths, missions and programmes of the two organisations in order to contribute more effectively to the EU integration process. The support of the KBF has been fundamental in strengthening the EPC’s capacity as an independent think tank and active engagement in helping to shape the future of the European project. As a strategic partner, KBF is represented in the EPC’s governance structures.
Fondation Roi Baudouin

Foundation Partnership - Stiftung Mercator 

Stiftung Mercator - a private, independent German foundation – has been a partner of EPC since 2017, when the two organisations launched a joint initiative, the Connecting Europe project.

Connecting Europe aims to narrow the growing  gap between the European Union and citizens by enabling civil society, activists, citizens, think tanks and academia to engage in EU decision-making processes in Brussels. Through Connecting Europe,  EPC enables the different networks supported by Stiftung Mercator to engage in dialogue with the EU institutions and other stakeholders in Brussels and feed in their ideas, expertise, and experience to the policy debate. In particular, the project entails joint, forward-looking activities on the future of Europe that can foster dialogue and exchange among policymakers and next-generation voices, on youth, climate, migration and other key issues.
Stiftung Mercator

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