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Policy Dialogue
Delivering enlargement towards the Western Balkans The role for civil society and the Growth Plan

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Tuesday, 25 February 2025
 15:30 - 17:30

European Policy Centre-EPC

Rue du Trône 14-16, 1000 Brussels
EPC Conference Centre
3rd Floor



Andi Dobrushi
Open Society Foundations Western Balkans Director
Gordan Bosanac
Member of the European Parliament
Valentina Superti
Director for Western Balkans, European Commission


Berta López Domènech
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre
Corina Stratulat
Associate Director and Head of European Politics and Institutions, European Policy Centre

The Western Balkans stand at a pivotal moment in their European integration journey. As geopolitical dynamics evolve, the EU must reaffirm its commitment to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law as the cornerstones of enlargement. The EPC is pleased to invite you to a critical discussion on how to preserve and strengthen these values in the EU accession process. Another focus will be on the Growth Plan,  evaluating its added value, opportunities and risks for the region.  

This high-level policy event is organised by the Western Balkan civil society and think tank networks BCSDN and TEN. It will bring together civil society representatives, EU policymakers, think tanks, and media to reinforce the EU’s transformative power, propose actionable recommendations and elevate civil society’s role.  

This high-level in-person Policy Dialogue is organised by the Western Balkan civil society and think tank networks BCSDN, TEN, and EWB. It will bring together civil society representatives, EU policymakers, think tanks, and media to reinforce the EU’s transformative power, propose actionable recommendations and elevate civil society’s role.
Full programme is available here.
Participation is open to EPC members only, the media, and EU officials

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