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How to expand complementary pathways to Europe for refugees?

Thursday, 20 September 2018

The need to develop safe and legal channels to reach protection in Europe has been the subject of renewed attention in recent years, as evidenced by the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and the commitment by states to expand resettlement and other complementary pathways for admission. Such complementary pathways can include, amongst others, humanitarian admission programmes, higher education scholarships and community-based sponsorship programmes. This Policy Dialogue reflected on existing initiatives, the need to expand complementary pathways to Europe, as well as the potential to do so.

Discussions took place against the backdrop of the presentation of the Global Compact for Refugees before the UN General Assembly. Based on research commissioned by IOM, ICMC and UNHCR, speakers considered the added value of such pathways, including with regard to sustainable integration approaches and the potential to maximise public support through the involvement of local communities. They also explored key considerations for the establishment of complementary pathway programmes, including refugee protection, complementarity with resettlement and responsiveness to global needs.

Speakers included: Marie De Somer, Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre, Peter O’Sullivan, Resettlement Officer, UNHCR, Jo De Backer, Regional Thematic Specialist for Resettlement, International Organization for Migration, Petra Hueck, Head of ICMC Europe, Neil Jameson, Founder, Citizens UK, Muhammed Shikhani, PhD Student and alumnus of the DAAD Leadership for Syria Scholarship Programme, Germany.

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