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EPC launches defence and security project

Security & defence / PRESS RELEASE
European Policy Centre

Date: 11/04/2024

The European Policy Centre announces a new European Defence and Security project (DefSecEU) aimed at studying and making proposals for strengthening Europe’s defence in light of the deteriorating geopolitical environment.

The project, part of the EPC’s Europe in the World programme, will feature work on industrial, financial, and human resources required to strengthen EUropean defence and rebalance the transatlantic relationship within NATO. It will feature an EPC Defence Industry Roundtable dedicated to identifying obstacles and thrashing out solutions to increasing EUropean arms and ammunition production capacity to support Ukraine and serve European and NATO defence, promoting EUropean armaments cooperation, joint defence procurement and investment in the EUropean defence sector.

Among the fields of activity will be expanding EU-NATO cooperation, creating a more level playing field in the transatlantic defence market, building EU-UK cooperation on defence and security, and boosting EUropean resilience against hybrid threats through public-private-civil society partnership.

Juraj Majcin, previously programme manager for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, joins the project as a Policy Analyst, working alongside Mihai Sebastian Chihaia and Maria Martisiute, who are already working on defence-related issues at the EPC. Veteran journalist and think-tanker Paul Taylor joins the EPC as a Senior Visiting Fellow. Former NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary-General for Emerging Defence Threats Jamie Shea, is already a senior adviser and member of the Strategic Council of the EPC, and joins the project as a Senior Visiting Fellow.

The project will complement work already underway at the EPC on EU enlargement, supporting Ukraine, EU common foreign and security policy, economic security, demography and protecting EUropean democracy.

Commenting on the announcement, Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive and Chief Economist at the EPC, said:

“Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine was a watershed moment for EUrope. In  a world  characterised by the ongoing permacrisis, it is vital to develop new thinking on EUropean defence  and security. I’m delighted to welcome Paul Taylor and Juraj Marcin to the EPC, and strengthen our long-lasting relationship with Jamie Shea.”

Declan Kelleher, Chair of the EPC Governing Board, added:

“In these critical times I commend the EPC for taking on this important work. I look forward to the contributions this high level project will make in the perspective of enhancing our defence and the security of our continent.”

Save the date: 30 April 2024 at 14.00h-15.30h for the launch of DefSecEU at the EPC in Brussels. Mr Timo Pesonen, Director-General, DG Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS), will deliver the opening statement.

Photo credits:
Ronnie Hartmann/AFP

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