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REACHING FOR BLUE GOLD - How the EU can rise to the water challenge while reaping the rewards

Annika Hedberg , Romain Pardo , Andrea Frontini

Date: 30/11/2015
Water matters. Tackling the growing water challenge, be it linked to water scarcity, quality or access, is not just an environmental issue – it has a strong economic, social, political and security dimension.

Water is not just a local issue. The manifold impacts of the water challenge are increasingly felt across borders. Water resources of a country or region can be affected by actions outside one’s borders. This is already a reality in the EU today. 

These recognitions should be reflected on the EU policy agenda, across sectors, and in actions within and outside the EU. This publication shows the rationale for EU action and urges the EU to use the existing internal and external policy instruments to tackle the water challenge and promote smarter management of water resources. Adopting a comprehensive, forward-looking policy framework will help the EU to prepare for the water challenge with all its various dimensions and implications. The EU has the tools and expertise, and the benefits would be numerous.

Read the full paper here

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