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Alberto-Horst Neidhardt
Head of European Migration and Diversity and Senior Policy Analyst

Alberto Horst Neidhardt is a Senior Policy Analyst and Head of the European Diversity and Migration programme. He works on asylum, migration, and integration matters, with an interest in the politics of migration and specific expertise in EU law and jurisprudence. 

Prior to joining the EPC, he was a PhD candidate in law at the European University Institute, a Teaching Assistant at the School of Oriental and African Studies and a Research Assistant at Queen Mary, University of London. He also gained experience in the law and the politics of mobility working in the Free Movement Unit of the Directorate General ‘Justice and Consumers’ of the European Commission. Alberto is also a part-time Visiting Professor at University of Antwerp, where he lectures on Comparative Law and on Legal Pluralism.

 Alberto holds a PhD and an LLM in European and Comparative Laws from the EUI (2018; 2013) and a Master’s degree in International and Comparative Law from SOAS (2011). He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Languages, Culture and Institutions of Eurasia and of the Mediterranean from Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice (2009).


European Migration and Diversity


Tampere 20, Analysis of Migration Policy Developments for the EPIM

Areas of expertise

Common European Asylum System, refugee law, migrants' integration, multiculturalism, politics of migration, EU citizens rights, free movement

Current positions

Visiting Professor, University of Antwerp
Policy Analyst


PhD in Law, European University Institute
LLM in Comparative, European and International Laws, European University Institute, Florence
MA in International Comparative Legal Studies (with Distinction), School of Oriental and African Studies


Italian, English, French (Intermediate), Spanish (Intermediate), Hindi (basic)



Migration / COMMENTARY
A make-or-break moment for the common European asylum system?
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt - 16/10/2024
Migration / COMMENTARY
What next for EU migration and asylum policies? Launch of EPC-Odysseus Network series
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt , Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi , Helena Hahn - 04/06/2024
Navigating the New Pact on Migration and Asylum in the shadow of Non-Europe
By Alberto-Horst Neidhardt - 26/01/2024


Migration / INTERVIEW
Hell or high water: Tackling Europe's migration dilemma
Alberto-Horst Neidhardt was interviewed by RTE on how the EU has dealt with previous migration crises and the potential impact of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. 

Read the article here.

Hell or high water: Tackling Europe's migration dilemma
31 January 2024 - ,
Schengen / INTERVIEW
Schengen Zone: Are border controls making a comeback?
Alberto-Horst Neidhardt gave an interview for Euronews on why certain countries have resumed checks at internal European borders and the implications for Schengen. 

Read the article and watch the report here.

Schengen Zone: Are border controls making a comeback?
02 October 2023 - ,
Migration / INTERVIEW
«Les discussions autour de la migration manquent souvent de bon sens»
Alberto Neidhardt was interviewed by Alter Echos on his work at the European Policy Centre, the EU's migration policy and the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. 

Read the article here. (In French)

«Les discussions autour de la migration manquent souvent de bon sens»
13 September 2023 - ,
Alter Echos

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