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Policy Dialogue
Affordable and decent housing solutions: making EU investment a reality for the most deprived

Friday, 31 January 2020


Georgia Efremova
Policy Officer, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
Gilles Vermot Desroches
Sustainable Development Senior Vice-President, Schneider Electric
Katarina Ivanković-Knežević
Director for Social Affairs, DG Employment, European Commission
Michelle Noris
Chair, Housing Finance Agency
Ruth Owen
Policy Coordinator, FEANTSA


Claire Dhéret
Head of Social Europe & Well-being Programme, European Policy Centre

Rough sleeping and homelessness are increasing. According to some estimates, at least 700,000 homeless people are sleeping rough or in emergency/temporary accommodation on one night in the European Union. Furthermore, more than 9% of the poorest members of society faced severe housing deprivation in 2017 in the EU, with the figure rising as high as 36.7% in Romania. Against this background, it is vital that housing policies are re-evaluated to ensure that ongoing investment benefits those who need it most.
This Policy Dialogue will delve into the issues to be explored by the new Task Force. Speakers will discuss how European policies and instruments, in particular the InvestEU programme, could maximise its social impact in the housing sector and to what extent its future roll-out could be inspired by innovative practices that already exist at national and local level.

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