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Policy Dialogue
Ending Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine: What diplomatic and military role for Europe?

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Monday, 24 February 2025
 15:00 - 16:45

European Policy Centre-EPC

Rue du Trône 14-16, 1000 Brussels
EPC Conference Centre
3rd Floor



Daniel Kochis
Senior Fellow, Center on Europe and Eurasia at Hudson Institute
Daniel Szeligowski
Head of Eastern Europe Programme, Polish Institute of International Affairs
Hennadiy Maksak
Executive Director, Ukrainian Prism
Melchior Szczepanik
Head of PISM Brussels Office
Oksana Diakun
Deputy Head of the Mission of Ukraine to the EU
Olena Prokopenko
Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund
Petra Gombalová
Head of Ukraine Division, European External Action Service


Amanda Paul
Deputy Head of the Europe in the World Programme, European Policy Centre


24 February 2025 marks the third anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. With US President Donald Trump set on bringing an end to the war, the EU needs a clear strategy to define its role in a potential peace process and its preferences for the future of a European security order. Furthermore, steps to end the war and options for a viable peace process must be based on the lessons learned from the previous failed efforts of 2014-2021 to ensure that a long-term, sustainable and just peace is achieved.
This hybrid Policy Dialogue is organised in cooperation with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”. Key questions in this discussion will include: How can a peace agreement that avoids empowering the Kremlin be achieved? How will an eventual ceasefire be maintained? What sort of security guarantees, including a peacekeeping force, can the EU offer to Ukraine? What are the prospects for Ukraine in terms of NATO membership? How can Ukraine receive justice for the widespread war crimes committed by Russia?

The full programme is available here.
Participation is open to EPC members, the media, EU officials, invitees of the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”

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