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EPC Elections Monitor
European perspectives on Germany’s federal elections

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Tuesday, 25 February 2025
 14:00 - 15:00


Eric Maurice
Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre
Hennadiy Maksak
Executive Director, Ukrainian Prism
Maria Skóra
Policy Fellow, Das Progressive Zentrum
Nicoletta Pirozzi
Head of Programme on European Union, Istituto Affari Internazionali


Johannes Greubel
Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre

On February 23, German voters will elect a new parliament following the collapse of the “traffic light coalition” between social democrats (SPD), Greens and liberals. Friedrich Merz from the conservative CDU/CSU is the favourite to become the next chancellor. However, the potential government coalition and political positioning is still uncertain.  
Europe is looking anxiously to Berlin, assessing its implications for the EU and bilateral relations. What will be the impact on key bilateral relationships, such as the Franco-German and Polish-German partnerships? What are the expectations about Germany’s stance on EU policies such as competitiveness, migration, climate or budget? Can Germany play a different role in supporting Ukraine amid a changing geopolitical landscape? 
This online Elections Monitor will bring together experts from France, Italy, Poland, and Ukraine to share their reflections and perspectives on what the German elections results mean for Europe. 
Participation is open to EPC members only, the media and EU officials.

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