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Policy Briefing
Investment in social and affordable housing

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Tuesday, 25 February 2025
 10:00 - 12:30

European Policy Centre-EPC

Rue du Trône 14-16, 1000 Brussels
EPC Conference Centre
3rd Floor



Bent Madsen
President, Housing Europe
Dimitrios Kolokas
Senior Researcher at IOBE and PlusValue, SI4 Project Head of Research
Filippo Addarii
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, PlusValue
Mario Nava
Director-General, DG EMPL, European Commission
Martina Colombo
Head of European Affairs, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Matthew Baldwin
Deputy Director-General, DG ENER, European Commission
Valérie Vermandel
Head of Development and Project Management, Whitewood Real Estate
Vitomir Miles Raguz
Head of Office for European Relations, Council of Europe Development Bank


Elizabeth Kuiper
Associate Director & Head of the Social Europe and Well-being Programme, European Policy Centre
Lieve Fransen
Senior Advisor, European Policy Centre


The European Policy Centre is delighted to invite you to this Policy Dialogue on investment in social and affordable housing.  

In her Political Guidelines for the 2024-2029 European Commission, President Ursula von der Leyen underscored the urgency of tackling Europe’s deepening housing crisis and rising inequalities. Addressing this challenge requires identifying tools and solutions to bridge the housing investment gap and mobilising both public and private capital.   

With the new political cycle underway, how can the EU support national and regional initiatives and build on existing best practices in member states? How can social bonds, a social impact index, and a broader social taxonomy attract private investment at the necessary scale and speed?  
In this hybrid Policy Dialogue, key policymakers and stakeholders will explore how innovative financial tools can best enhance access to social and affordable housing. Discussions will focus on best practices, national initiatives, and how the EU can support municipalities in overcoming financial and regulatory barriers. 

The full programme is available here
Participation is open to EPC members, media, EU officials and the invitees of the partnering organisations.

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