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Melanie Fessler
Policy Analyst
Melanie Fessler is a policy analyst for the Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme. She follows developments related to the European Green Deal, engaging in and developing activities especially on cross-sectoral topics such as just transition, citizen engagement in climate action, climate and migration. Prior to joining the EPC, Melanie worked for the EU-Representation Office of Carinthia in Brussels, where she dealt with environmental and climate topics, agriculture, digital agenda, social and regional policies.

She holds a PhD in French literature and a Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Innsbruck.


Sustainable Prosperity for Europe


Areas of expertise

European Green Deal, just transition, citizen engagement, climate and migration

Current positions


PhD in French literature, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
MA in Political Science, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck


German, English, French



The EU’s approach to climate mobility: Which way forward?
By Helena Hahn , Melanie Fessler - 26/10/2023
Air pollution / DISCUSSION PAPER
Towards a cleaner air in Europe: Time for a stronger vision and more action
By Annika Hedberg , Stefan Sipka , Simon Dekeyrel , Melanie Fessler , Danielle Brady - 06/07/2023
Digitalisation / DISCUSSION PAPER
Digitalisation: An enabler for the clean energy transition
By Simon Dekeyrel , Melanie Fessler - 31/01/2023
Social EU / REPORT
Fair Energy Transition for All - How to get there?
By Laura Rayner , Melanie Fessler - 08/11/2022
European Commission / DISCUSSION PAPER
The von der Leyen European Commission at midterm: Same priorities, different reality
By Corina Stratulat , Annika Hedberg , Stefan Sipka , Janis A. Emmanouilidis , Johannes Greubel , Francesco De Angelis , Laura Rayner , Perle Petit , Silvia Carta , Simon Dekeyrel , Melanie Fessler , Tommaso Grossi , Emily Fitzpatrick , Elizabeth Kuiper , Marta Mucznik , Andrea García Rodríguez - 13/06/2022

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