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Varg Folkman
Policy Analyst
Varg Lukas Folkman is a Policy Analyst in the Europe’s Political Economy programme at the European Policy Centre (EPC). His work centres on European industrial policy, digital infrastructure, competition, trade and EU/China relations. Before joining the EPC, Varg worked as a competition and industrial policy reporter at Politico Europe. He previously worked as a lawyer in Norway, as a consultant and in different Norwegian media roles.


Europe’s Political Economy


Areas of expertise

Industrial policy, trad relations, EU/China relations, competition policy, state aid policy, digital infrastructure

Current positions


Masters degree in law from the University of Bergen
Bachelors degree in philosophy from the University of Bergen


English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish



China / OP-ED
The Chinese EV tariffs are here. What now?
By Varg Folkman - 11/10/2024
Economic Security / COMMENTARY
Finding economic security through growth
By Varg Folkman - 16/09/2024

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