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China / OP-ED
The Chinese EV tariffs are here. What now?
By Varg Folkman - 11/10/2024
EU–China relations at a crossroads, Vol. III: Business unusual
By Ivano di Carlo - 15/07/2024
China / SPEECH
EPC - MERICS Keynote Address: Ursula von der Leyen
By European Policy Centre - 30/03/2023
China / OP-ED
The cost of Non-China: Reading the tea leaves
By Ricardo Borges de Castro - 25/10/2022
The war in Ukraine: China walking amid the shrapnel
By Ricardo Borges de Castro - 04/03/2022

Ongoing Projects


China / QUOTE
The US to cut its contribution to NATO's collective budget and NATO approach to China
Amanda Paul was quoted in these Chinese newspapers on the US to cut its contribution to NATO's collective budget and NATO approach to China

Read here and here  (in Chinese)

02 December 2019 - ,

NATO's Future Seminar
Ivano di Carlo provided a contribution on "NATO's eyes and ears on China" for the third panel of Yata Germany's NATO's future seminar 2021. 

Read the contribution here.

18 November 2021 - ,
YATA Germany
What happens to Europe when the balloon goes up?
Ricardo Borges de Castro was interviewed by POLITICO on the US-China rivalry following the spy balloon crisis and the EU's approach to China. 

Read the full article here.

06 February 2023 - ,
China / OP-ED
What China's gamble to back Moscow means for EU
Annika Hedberg wrote an op-ed for EUobserver on China's current approach to the war in Ukraine and its implications for EU-China relations.

Read the article here.

03 March 2023 - ,

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