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Circular economy and smarter use of resources

“Towards a New Industrial Policy for Europe” as well as a Policy Brief on “Towards a sustainable European economy”. In addition, the EPC Task Force on Blue Gold that looked at ways of managing the water challenge in and outside the EU, considered also reuse and recycling of water and the findings and the recommendations for policy-makers can be found in the publication of November 2015. The EPC will be launching a Task Force on a “Digital Roadmap for a Circular Economy” in the Autumn. The project of 12-18 months will discuss how digitalisation and innovative technologies can support the transition to a circular economy.

With its multi-stakeholder approach and cross-cutting analysis, the EPC is in a strong position to encourage discussion on smarter use of resources and work on all the constitutive elements of the circular economy, which affect various policy areas and economic actors. It will continue to promote discussion on the key elements of the European Commission’s circular economy strategy and needed EU action if the strategy is to contribute to the transition towards a more resource efficient and sustainable European economy.

The EPC’s activities on circular economy and smarter use of resources are coordinated by Annika Hedberg, Senior Policy Analyst.



‘Blue Gold’ - The forgotten rationale for climate action
By Annika Hedberg , Andrea Frontini - 11/12/2015
REACHING FOR BLUE GOLD - How the EU can rise to the water challenge while reaping the rewards
By Annika Hedberg , Romain Pardo , Andrea Frontini - 30/11/2015
Sustainable EU / POLICY BRIEF
Towards a sustainable European economy
By Annika Hedberg , Romain Pardo , Toutia Daryoush - 13/10/2015
Industrial policy / ISSUE PAPER
Towards a New Industrial Policy for Europe
By Claire Dhéret , Annika Hedberg , Romain Pardo , Andrea Frontini - 12/11/2014
Risky resources – Time to frame an EU approach to meeting the resource challenge
By Annika Hedberg , Andrea Frontini - 23/09/2013
Efficiency / ISSUE PAPER
Green revolution: making eco-efficiency a driver for growth
By Annika Hedberg , Serban Chiorean-Sime - 26/01/2012

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